Israel’s mil­i­tary oper­a­tions against Hamas in Gaza caricature

Friday, January 24, 2014

Carmel Post: Zionist terms penetrate Arab minds and we utter them

Hebrew translator and expert on Israeli affairs Mahmoud Dahi: Zionist terms penetrate Arab minds and we utter them (Jan.24, 2014)
Jewish term
/ Correct term

1- Middle East / Islamic Mashriq
2- State of Israel / Zionist or Hebrew entity
3- Normalization / Surrender
4- Palestinian demands / Palestinian rights
5- Promised land / Palestinian land
6- Wailing (Western) Wall / Ḥā'iṭ Al-Burāq
7- Judea, Samaria, and Galilee / Occupied Palestine
8- Jewish immigrants / Jewish occupiers
9- Israelis / Jews or Zionists
10- Palestinian terrorism and violence / Jihad and resistance against occupation
11- Israeli and Palestinian struggle / Conflict with the Jews
12- Palestinian detainee / Palestinian prisoner
13- Land for peace / Surrender for peace
14- Suicide acts, terrorist acts / Jihad acts, martyrdom acts
15- Israel Defense Forces / Zionist occupying forces
16- Jewish settlers / Jewish usurpers
17- Israeli settlements / Jewish settlements or Zionist settlements
18- Temple Mount / Jerusalem Mount
19- Solomon's Temple / Al-Aqsa Mosque
20- City of David / Jerusalem
21- Solomon's Stables / Marwani Prayer Hall
22- Holy of Holies / Jerusalem Rock (Foundation Stone)
23- Holy Basin / The Old City
24- Greater Jerusalem / Occupied Jerusalem
25- Jewish Quarter / Moroccan Quarter
26- Holocaust / The Legend (Myth) of the Nazi Holocaust
27- Israeli Knesset / Parliament of the Jewish entity
28- Six-Day War / War of 1967
29- Star of David / Hexagram
30- Israeli Arabs / People of occupied Palestine 48
31- Gaza Border / 1967 Armistice Lines
32- Green Line / Palestine occupied in 48


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